Some tiles associated with the 6th unit cubic Pisot number
Summary by Order
The lower order dissection polynomials for this number (polynomials in bold
include c2-symmetric tiles) are
- order 3
- order 5
- c+2c2+c3+c4 =
- 2c+2c4+c6 =
- order 7
- c+c2+3c3+c4+c5 =
- c+2c2+c3+2c5+c7 =
- c+2c2+3c4+c6=
- 2c+c4+2c5+c6+c7 =
- 2c+2c4+2c7+c9 =
- 4c2+c3+2c4 =
- order 9
- c+c2+2c3+3c4+c5+c6
- c+c2+3c3+c4+2c6+c8
- c+c2+3c3+3c5+c7 =
c+c2+3c3+c4(2c + c3)
- c+2c2+2c4+2c5+c6+c7
- c+2c2+3c4+2c7+c9 =
c+2c2+3c4+c6(2c+c3) =
- c+2c2+c3+c5+2c6+c7+c8
- c+2c2+c3+2c5+2c8+c10
- c+5c3+c4+2c5 =
- 2c+c4+c5+3c6+c7+c8
=2c+c4+c5+c5(2c+c3) +
- 2c+c4+2c5+3c7+c9 =
= 2c+c4+2c5+
- 2c+c4+2c5+c6+2c8+c10
- 2c+2c4+c7+2c8+c9+c10
- 2c+2c4+2c7+2c10+c12
- 2c+4c5+c6+2c7 =
- 3c2+3c3+2c4+c5 =
- 3c2+4c3+c6+c8
- 4c2+c3+c4+2c5+c7
- 4c2+4c4+c6 =
2c(2c+c3)+2c4+c6 =
4c2+c3(2c+c3)+2c4 =
The simplest dissection polynomial for the 6th unit cubic Pisot number
corresponds to a 3 element tile, so we can deduce that there are no 2 element
self similar tiles associated with this number. A search for dissection
equations where the positive real root is the inverse of the Pisot number finds
no dissection equations with an even number of elements less than 10 and a
smaller power also less that 10. It may be that there are no even element tiles
at all for this Pisot number.
The dissection equation for all order 3 tiles is 2c+c3 and the minimal signature is
variously 0 or 00 (the windowed tile has tilings with signatures
00, 01 and 02). For tiles with greater order
identification of the dissection equation and signature serves to divide the
tiles into groups, and acts as an aid in confirming that visually similar tiles
are distinct. For this reason the dissection equation and signature is given
for each group of tiles below.
Order 3 Tiles

Restricting consideration to tiles with all elements directly similar to the
tile, we can arbitarily restrict the IFSs for 3 element tiles to { p → ±ap; p → ±ap + 1;
p → ±a3p + v2 } (or { p → ±ap - 1; p → ±ap +
1; p → ±a3p + v2 }). In
principle we can perform an exhaustive search by iterating the value of v2, and subsequently closing in
from values visually identifiable as close to a tile. However in practice a
step size sufficiently small to be certain to find the tiles requires too many
candidates to be examined for this to be computationally practicable. It also
produces an impracticably high number of candidates for visual inspection. The
process would also not necessarily find cryptic tiles (tiles like the Levy
curve, where the area of the plane wholly covered by the tile is small compared
to the outline of the tile). However for 3 element tiles a heuristic search
with v2 = P(a), that is v2 is a polynomial in a, is practicable.
The problem is to select a practical but effective range of polynomials.
What values of the exponent should be used? How many non-zero coefficients
should be allowed? What values should be allowed for the coefficients?
Investigation of other Perron number tilings led to the hypothesis is that
the maximum exponent is not large compared to the maximum exponent of the
contraction elements of the transforms. Values beween -2 and 6 were surveyed.
An initial survey using ±an and ±1 + ±an turned out to be incomplete
(applied to the two alternative sets of IFSs didn't find the same set of
tiles). A second survey was performed using aj + ak + al. This
also turned out to be incomplete. At this point a survey using (aj + ak +
al)/(1-a3) was performed. (Vectors of the form a/(1-a3) turn up in tilings using these
tiles.) More tiles were found, but using a table of values of polynomials in
a it was found that the corresponding vectors
were equivalent to sums of powers of a divided
by 2 or 4, supporting the conjecture that the coefficients are ratios of small
numbers. (It was already known from the study of rep-tiles that non-integer
coefficients occurred.)
The resulting final survey produced 24 IFSs (with values of
) which produce tiles, composed of 8 versions
of the symmetric tile, and 8 pairs of rotationally
equivalent tiles, composed of two different dissections of the windowed (or spiral) tile, two demi-symmetric tiles, two external tiles and two complex
teragons, giving 24 IFSs producing 8 distinct tiles. This is pleasingly
symmetric (even if the symmetry is broken in the case of the redundancy of the
windowed tile) and gives some hope that the search found all tiles. Overlooked
cryptic tiles cannot however be excluded.
The number of values of v2
is lower. With the 1st class of IFSs, the demisymmetric tiles both
tiles have v2 = 1, while with
the 2nd class, all versions of the symmetric tile have v2 = 0.
A considerable number of order 5 tiles can be mechanically derived from the
order 3 tiles.
Order 3 tiles are also tiles for any higher odd order, so the 8 order 3
tiles are also order 5 tiles. The symmetric tile
has 2 order 5 dissections (because of its symmetry), the windowed tile has 6 order 5 dissections (because it has
two order 3 dissections), and the remaining order 3 tiles have 3 order 5
dissections each. As the attractor is the same as for the order 3 tiles I don't
count these as new tiles. However the new dissections are intermediate steps in
the production of new tiles.
There are two possible dissection equations - 2c+2c4+c6 and c+2c2+c3+c4 - both
of which can be reached by dissection and by partial postautocomposition.
Grouped element derivatives exist for some tiles with the former dissection
equation, and co-cell derivatives for some tiles with the latter dissection
The known order 5 tiles distinct from the order 3 tiles are
Order 5
Tiles - dissection equation 2c+2c4+c6
- 1 (symmetric) partial postcomposition derivative of the symmetric tile
(“metasymmetric” tile) [unit cell signature
- 2 partial postcomposition derivatives of the windowed tiles (“metawindowed” tiles) [unit cell signature
0033, 0134 or 0235]
- 1 partial postcomposition derivative of the external tiles (“metaexternal” tile) [unit cell signature
- 1 partial postcomposition derivative of a complex teragons (“metacomplex” tile) [unit cell signature
- 10 grouped element derivatives of the symmetric order 5 dissection of the
symmetric tile (“demisymmetric” tiles) [unit
cell signature 01]
- 5 grouped element derivatives of the symmetric order 5 metasymmetric tile
(“demimetasymmetric” tiles) [unit cell
signature 0033]
giving a total of 20 tiles with dissection equation 2c+2c4+c6.
- 2 partial postcomposition derivatives of the symmetric tile (“metasymmetric” tiles) [unit cell signature
- 4 partial postcomposition derivatives of the order 3 demisymmetric tiles
(“metademisymmetric” tiles) [unit cell
signature 0011]
- 1 partial postcomposition derivatives of the windowed tiles (“metawindowed” tiles) [unit cell signature
0011, 0112 or 0123]
- 4 partial postcomposition derivatives of the external tiles (“metaexternal” tiles) [unit cell signature
- 4 partial postcomposition derivatives of the complex teragons (“metacomplex” tiles) [unit cell signature
- 23 co-cell derivatives of the asymmetric order 5 metasymmetric tiles
(“parametasymmetric” tiles) [unit cell
signature 0011]
- 1 additional order 5 tile (not a derivative of
an order 3 tile) [unit cell signature 0123]
giving a total of 36 tiles with dissection equation of c+2c2+c3+c4 and a
combined total of 59 known order 5 tiles.
Order 7 tiles can be mechanically derived, both directly and indirectly,
from the order 3 tiles. There are six dissection equations, all of which can be
reached by partial presyncomposition, giving multiple order 7 dissections of
the order 3 tiles. The dissection equation c+2c2+3c4+c6
corresponds to some double partial postcomposition derivatives of order 3 tiles
- “(di)metatiles)” and to the co-cell derivatives of the metasymmetric
tiles (“para(di)metasymmetric” tiles). The
dissection equation 4c2+c3+2c4
corresponds to the other double partial postautocomposition derivatives of
order 3 tiles, and grouped element derivations of one of these, and also of a
dissection of the symmetric tile. The other 4 dissection equations are reached
by partial postallocomposition of the order 5 metatiles with their base order 3
tiles, giving “allo(meta)tiles”. There are also grouped element derivatives
of a dissection of the symmetric tile for one of these dissection equations,
and co-cell derivatives of “allosymmetric” tiles.
The known order 7 tiles distinct from the order 3 and order 5 tiles are
Order 7 Tiles - dissection equation
- 4 partial postcomposition derivatives of the symmetric tile (“metasymmetric” tiles) [ unit cell signature
- 1 partial postcomposition derivative of the order 3 demisymmetric tiles
(“metademisymmetric” tile) [ unit cell
signature 001133]
- 1 partial postcomposition derivative of the windowed tiles (“metawindowed” tile) [ unit cell signature
- 1 partial postcomposition derivative of the external tiles (“metaexternal” tiles) [ unit cell signature
- 2 partial postcomposition derivatives of the complex teragons (“metacomplex“ tiles) [unit cell signature
- 82 co-cell derivatives of the asymmetric order 7 metasymmetric tiles
(“parametasymmetric” tiles) [unit cell
signature 001133]
giving a total of 91 tiles with dissection equation c+2c2+3c4+c6.
Order 7 Tiles - dissection equation
- 1 (symmetric) partial postcomposition derivatives of the symmetric tile
(“metasymmetric” tiles) [ unit cell signature
- 2 partial postcomposition derivatives of the order 3 demisymmetric tiles
(“metademisymmetric” tiles) [unit cell
signature 001111]
- 2 partial postcomposition derivatives of the windowed tiles (“metawindowed” tiles) [ unit cell signature
- 2 partial postcomposition derivatives of the external tiles (“metaexternal” tiles) [unit cell signature
- 2 partial postcomposition derivatives of the complex teragons (“metacomplex” tiles)
- 48 grouped element derivatives of the symmetric tile with dissection
equation 4c2+c3+2c4 (“demisymmetric” tiles).
- 56 grouped element derivatives of the symmetric order 7 metasymmetric
tile (“demimetasymmetric” tiles)
giving a total of 113 tiles with dissection equation 4c2+c3+2c4.
Order 7 Tiles - dissection equation
- 52 grouped element derivatives of the symmetric tile with dissection
equation 2c+2c4+2c7+c9 (“demisymmetric” tiles)
- 1 partial postallocomposition derivative of the 2nd external tile (“alloexternal” tile) [unit cell signature
giving a total of 53 tiles with dissection equation 2c+2c4+2c7+c9.
Order 7 Tiles - dissection equation
- 5 partial postallocomposition derivatives of the symmetric tile (“allosymmetric” tiles) [unit cell signature
- 7 partial postallocomposition derivatives of the external tiles (“alloexternal” tiles) [unit cell signature
- 7 partial postallocomposition derivatives of the order 3demisymmetric
tiles (“allodemisymmetric” tiles) [unit cell
signature 001122]
- 6 partial postallocomposition derivatives of the windowed tile (“allowindowed” tiles) [unit cell signature 001122,
011223 or 012234]
- 5 partial postallocomposition derivatives of the complex teragons (“allocomplex” tiles) [unit cell signature
- 88 co-cell derivatives of an allosymmetric tile (“paraallosymmetric” tiles) [unit cell signature
- 74 co-cell derivatives of a second allosymmetric tile (“paraallosymmetric” tiles) [unit cell signature
giving a total of 192 tiles with dissection equation c+c2+3c3+c4+c5.
Order 7 Tiles - dissection equation
- 8 partial postallocomposition derivatives of the symmetric tile (“allosymmetric” tiles) [unit cell signature
- 1 partial postallocomposition derivative of the 2nd external tile (“alloexternal” tile) [unit cell signature
- 4 partial postallocomposition derivatives of the order 3 demisymmetric
tiles (“allodemisymmetric” tiles) [unit cell
signature 001144]
- 1 partial postallocomposition derivative of the windowed tile (“allowindowed” tiles) [unit cell signature 001144,
011245 or 012345]
- 4 partial postallocomposition derivatives of the complex teragons (“allocomplex” tiles) [unit cell signature
- 88 co-cell derivatives of an allosymmetric tile (“paraallosymmetric” tiles) [unit cell signature
giving a total of 106 tiles with dissection equation c+2c2+c3+2c5+c7.
Order 7 Tiles - dissection equation
- 4 partial postallocomposition derivatives of the symmetric tile (“allosymmetric” tiles) [unit cell signature
- 4 partial postallocomposition derivative of the windowed tile (“allowindowed” tiles) [unit cell signature 003344,
013445 or 023456]
- 3 partial postallocomposition derivatives of the complex teragons (“allocomplex” tiles) [unit cell signature
- 60 co-cell derivatives of an allosymmetric tile (“paraallosymmetric” tiles) [unit cell signature
giving a total of 71 tiles with dissection equation 2c+c4+2c5+c6+c7.
Thus there is a combined total of 626 known order 7 tiles.
© 2016, 2017 Stewart R. Hinsley