Flowsnake or Gosper Teardrops

There are 6 distinct attractors (with the 6 possible orientations of the central element) with all 6 elements of the outer ring of a flowsnake packed into a single position. However only two of these are connected.

The IFSs are

{ p → ap; p → ap + 1; p → eiπ/3ap + 1; p → e2iπ/3ap + 1; p → e3iπ/3ap + 1; p → e4iπ/3ap + 1;p → e5iπ/3ap + 1}

{ p → e5iπ/3ap; p → ap + 1; p → eiπ/3ap + 1; p → e2iπ/3ap + 1; p → e3iπ/3ap + 1; p → e4iπ/3ap + 1;p → e5iπ/3ap + 1}

cis-flowsnake teardropcis-flowsnake teardrop

There are also equivalent trans-heptahextals, with IFSs

{ p → ap; p → ap + 1; p → eiπ/3ap + 1; p → e2iπ/3ap + 1; p → e3iπ/3ap + 1; p → e4iπ/3ap + 1;p → e5iπ/3ap + 1}

{ p → e5iπ/3ap; p → ap + 1; p → eiπ/3ap + 1; p → e2iπ/3ap + 1; p → e3iπ/3ap + 1; p → e4iπ/3ap + 1;p → e5iπ/3ap + 1}

trans-flowsnake teardroptrans-flowsnake teardrop

They both tile with plane with six copies in the unit cell, with the tiling vectors as for the parent flowsnakes.

For each of these there 7 order 13 partial postcomposition derivatives, but only three or four of each set are connected. These tile the plane with 12 copies in the unit cell.

meta-(flowsnake deardrop)meta-(flowsnake deardrop)meta-(flowsnake deardrop)meta-(flowsnake deardrop)

meta-(flowsnake deardrop)meta-(flowsnake deardrop)meta-(flowsnake deardrop)

meta-(flowsnake deardrop)meta-(flowsnake deardrop)meta-(flowsnake deardrop)meta-(flowsnake deardrop)

meta-(flowsnake deardrop)meta-(flowsnake deardrop)meta-(flowsnake deardrop)

Source: Indepedent discovery (William Gosper and myself discovered teardrops as a class at about the same time).
